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CLI installation

In order to interact with an Eik server, you must install the client which can then be used to perform a variety of tasks such as mirroring NPM packages, publishing app packages, aliasing, publishing import maps and more. Interacting with the client is done via the command line in a terminal. To get started, you will need to have Node.js installed which comes with the NPM package manager.

N.B. To use the client, you will need to know the address of an Eik server with which to interact. If you don't yet have a server to work with, please visit the server docs to get started configuring and running an Eik server.

Installation using NPM

npm install @eik/cli

The Eik command

Once installed, in your terminal, type the following command to get started.

eik --help

Checking connection to a server

Once you have an Eik server up and running, you can run a ping command to check that the client can reach the server

eik ping

Adding command autocomplete

If you would like to be able to use tab key autocompletion for Eik commands, you can concatentate the following script to your .zshrc or .bashrc file.

local reply
local si=$IFS
' reply=($(COMP_CWORD="$((CURRENT-1))" COMP_LINE="$BUFFER" COMP_POINT="$CURSOR" eik --get-yargs-completions "${words[@]}"))
_describe 'values' reply
compdef _eik_yargs_completions eik

Once done, you should be able to hit tab while typing Eik commands and get helpful autocomplete suggestions.