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Using Eik with Rollup

This guide describes how to configure Rollup to use build-time import mapping. The guide assumes you have an eik.json containing at least one "import-map".

Getting started

Install @eik/rollup-plugin, and rollup if you haven't already.

npm install --save-dev rollup @eik/rollup-plugin

Configure your build

Create rollup.config.js or extend your existing config to add the Eik plugin.

import eik from "@eik/rollup-plugin";

export default {
input: "source/main.js",
plugins: [eik()],
output: {
file: "build.js",
format: "esm",

Run your build

Add this script to package.json if you haven't already.

"scripts": {
"build": "rollup --config"

Now you can run a production build using the Eik plugin by running this command.

npm run build

Advanced usage

See the plugin documentation for advanced options on loading import maps.

Vite compatibility

You can use this Rollup plugin in your Vite build should you need to.

import eik from "@eik/rollup-plugin";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
enforce: "pre",
// only apply plugin for client code, while building
apply: (_config, { command, isSsrBuild }) => command === "build" && !isSsrBuild,