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@eik/node-client is a utility for getting assets and import maps from Eik servers in Node web applications. For publishing and managing assets to an Eik server from Node scripts, see @eik/cli.


npm install @eik/node-client


The most common use case for this module is linking to a file. When developing you typically want to use a local version of the file, then link to the published version on Eik when running in production.

For that you use the file() method, which returns an object { value, integrity } where value is the link to the file.

When running in production the link will point to the file on Eik. When development is true the pathname is prefixed with the base option instead of pointing to Eik, so your app can use a local version.

// Serve a local version of a file from `./public`
// in development and from Eik in production
import path from "node:path";
import Eik from "@eik/node-client";
import fastifyStatic from "@fastify/static";
import fastify from "fastify";

const app = fastify();

// Serve the contents of the ./public folder on the path /public
app.register(fastifyStatic, {
root: path.join(process.cwd(), "public"),
prefix: "/public/",

const eik = new Eik({
development: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",
// base is only used when `development` is `true`
base: "/public",

// load information from `eik.json` and the Eik server
await eik.load();

// when development is true script.value will be /public/script.js
// when development is false script.value will be
// https://{server}/pkg/{name}/{version}/script.js
// where {server}, {name} and {version} are read from eik.json
const script = eik.file("/script.js");

app.get("/", (req, reply) => {
reply.type("text/html; charset=utf-8");
${script.integrity ? `integrity="${script.integrity}"` : }

port: 3000,

console.log("Listening on http://localhost:3000");

Include a <script type="importmap">

This module can also download the import maps defined in Eik config so you can include them in your HTML responses.

const client = new Eik({
loadMaps: true,
await client.load();

const maps = client.maps();
const combined = maps.reduce((map, acc) => ({ ...acc, }), {});

const html = `
<script type="importmap">
${JSON.stringify(combined, null, 2)}


Use the default export to create a new instance.

You must call load before using the instance so it can read from eik.json and your Eik server.

import Eik from "@eik/node-client";

const eik = new Eik();
await eik.load();


basenullstringfalseBase root to be used for returned asset files.
developmentfalsebooleanfalseSet the module in development mode or not.
loadMapsfalsebooleanfalseSpecifies whether import maps defined in the config should be loaded from the Eik server or not.
pathprocess.cwd()stringfalsePath to directory containing an eik.json file or package.json with eik config.


async .load()

Reads the Eik config from disk into the object instance.

If loadMaps was set to true the import maps defined in the config will be fetched from the Eik server.


Get a link to a file that will differ based on environment (development vs production).

When running in production the returned link will point to the file on Eik.

// in production
const eik = new Eik({
development: false,
await eik.load();

const file = eik.file("/path/to/script.js");
// {
// value:
// integrity: sha512-zHQjnD-etc.
// }
// where the server URL, app name and version are read from eik.json
// {
// "name": "my-app",
// "version": "1.0.0",
// "server": "",
// }

When development is true the pathname is prefixed with the base option instead of pointing to Eik.

// in development
const eik = new Eik({
development: true,
base: "/public",
await eik.load();

const file = eik.file("/path/to/script.js");
// {
// value: /public/path/to/script.js
// integrity: undefined
// }


pathnamenullstringPathname relative to the base on Eik (ex: /path/to/script.js for a prod URL


Returns an object with value and integrity:

integrity: 'sha512-zHQjnDpMW7IKVyTpT9cOPT1+xhUSOcbgXj6qHCPSPu1CbQfgwDEsIniXU54zDIN71zqmxLSp3hfIljpt69ok0w==',
value: ''

integrity is undefined if development is true:

integrity: undefined,
value: '/public/path/to/script.js'


When loadMaps is true and you call load, the client fetches the configured import maps from the Eik server.

This method returns the import maps that were fetched during load.

const client = new Eik({
loadMaps: true,
await client.load();

const maps = client.maps();
const combined = maps.reduce((map, acc) => ({ ...acc, }), {});

const html = `
<script type="importmap">
${JSON.stringify(combined, null, 2)}


A list of Eik import maps.

"imports": {
"date-fns": "",
"lodash": ""
"imports": {
"lit": ""


Constructs a URL to the base of a package of assets. The returned value will differ depending on if development mode is set to true or not.

When in non development mode, the returned value will be built up by the values found in the loaded Eik config and provide a URL to where the files can be expected to be on the Eik server.

const client = new Eik({
development: false,
base: "http://localhost:8080/assets",
await client.load();

client.base(); //

When in development mode, the returned value will be equal to whats set on the base argument on the constructor.

const client = new Eik({
development: true,
base: "http://localhost:8080/assets",
await client.load();

client.base(); // http://localhost:8080/assets