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@eik/service reference

@eik/service is the Eik server itself. This document describes its JavaScript API.


Create a new Eik service instance.

import Service from "@eik/service";
const service = new Service(options);

options (optional)

sinknullobjectThe storage sink you would like to use.
loggernullobjectAn instance of the pino logger.
customSinknullobjectDeprecated. Use sink.
aliasCacheControl"public, max-age=1200"stringCache-Control header to respond with when getting an alias.
notFoundCacheControl"public, max-age=5"stringCache-Control header to respond with when returning 404 Not Found.
pkgMaxFileSize10_000_000numberThe limit in bytes before PUT /pkg/:name/:version starts returning 413 Content Too Large.
mapMaxFileSize1_000_000numberThe limit in bytes before PUT /map/:name/:version starts returning 413 Content Too Large.


An Eik service instance has the following API:


The Eik service as a Fastify plugin. The returned function must be passed on to the Fastify .register() method:

import fastify from "fastify";
import Service from "@eik/service";

// Set up the Eik service as a plugin
const service = new Service({ sink });

// Set up Fastify
const app = fastify({
ignoreTrailingSlash: true,

// Register the Eik service in Fastify

This will make the Eik HTTP API available.

Due to how the HTTP API deals with wildcards on pathnames to resolve files, it is recommended that the ignoreTrailingSlash option on the Fastify constructor that the plugin is registered to is set to true. If this is not done, file resolving might not work as expected.


Runs a health check on the Eik service. Throws if any of the health checks fails.

The health check mainly determines if the service is able to run all methods on the configured storage sink.

We recommend executing the health check before the service begins accepting HTTP traffic.

const run = async () => {
await app.listen({
port: service.config.get("http.port"),
host: service.config.get("http.address"),



An Eik service instance has the following properties:


Property that exposes a metric stream. Please see the metrics section for usage information.


Property that exposes configuration via convict.

import Service from "@eik/service";

const service = new Service();`Server is running in ${service.config.get("env")} mode`);


Property that exposes the pino logger instance.

import Service from "@eik/service";

const service = new Service();`Server is running in ${service.config.get("env")} mode`);


Property that exposes the currently used storage sink.